Rahmouni, Miloud
Miloud Rahmouni is a full time professor in Biopharmaceutical Production Technology department at John Abbott College. He has been teaching sterile manufacturing, quality control and production planning since 2013. Miloud holds a Ph. D. in pharmaceutical technology from university of Montreal, and has more than twenty years industrial experience in pharmaceutical formulation, process development and tech-transfer of oral solid dosage forms. His areas of expertise in pharmaceutical processing includes: compression, granulation, pelletization, film coating, microencapsulation, spray drying, freeze drying, polymeric micelles and injectable formulation. Before joining John Abbott College, Miloud worked as senior-director of production at Garmen laboratory, and associate director of R&D at Labopharm. Besides presenting lectures to undergraduate student, Miloud is actively involved in research and development of new drug delivery systems. He is author and co-author of many scientific publications and inventor on several patent applications